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About ECHT

ECHT is an Interreg NWE-funded project that brings together organizations from across the North-West Europe (NWE) region and beyond. Its goal is to help key players in two major sectors—textile clothing and carpets—establish chemical traceability as a foundation for the Circular Economy and prepare for the introduction of the Digital Product Passport. ECHT stands for Enable Digital Product Passports with Chemicals Traceability for a Circular Economy.

ECHT is developing the first traceability strategy, including three action plans targeted at: (1) textile clothing value chains, (2) flooring value chains, and (3) policymakers at various levels. These plans are based on insights gained from innovative training programs designed to build capacity.

The results of these training programs and the practical solutions developed are integrated into a Knowledge Platform. This platform will support SMEs in the textile and other sectors, helping them go "beyond compliance" and adopt innovative, sustainable business models.


Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to support a balanced development across the area, making all regions more resilient, and contributing to a better quality of life and well-being of all NWE citizens.

To learn more about the funding program, visit their website.

Video - Introduction to chemicals in textile

Section in progress


Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Science

Lead partner

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Project partner

Umweltbundesamt - German Environment Agency

Project partner


Project partner

Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden

Project partner


Project partner

Luxembourg Media and Digital Design Centre

Project partner


Project partner


Project partner

Associated organisations


Associated organisation


Associated organisation


Associated organisation


Associated organisation


Associated organisation


Associated organisation

Lacoste Operations

Associated organisation


Associated organisation

HEJ support

Associated organisation