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Associated organisation

The European Apparel and Textile Confederation, EURATEX has member associations in all NWE countries. The organisation is experienced as regards chemicals transparency and traceability, has a leading role within CISUTAC programme on facilitating the Circular Economy transition and increasing the uptake by T&C sector and wider stakeholders, and the ReHubs initiative, which aims to upcycle textile waste and scale up industrially the collecting, sorting, processing and recycling of preconsumer & postconsumer materials across Europe.
EURATEX helps the project with its long-term experience in the sector and its expertise on chemicals transparency and traceability. This knowledge is particularly important for
reviewing the scenario story and the action plan for the textile apparel sector. Furthermore, when conducting and evaluating the training schemes, EURATEX can contribute an overarching perspective from an industry point of view outside individual corporational interest and incentives. ECHT integrates EURATEX's expertise through joint workshops, meetings and/or interviews. In addition, it supports the contacting and partnership with national textile business associations in the NWE region.