Hochschule Darmstadt – University of Applied Science
Lead partner
Within h_da, the itp (innovation and transformation platform for sustainable development) team has expertise in managing value chain processes from production to end-of-life and in transdisciplinary and transformative research. This includes working with different (textile, leather, furniture) value chains to develop solutions that trigger behavioral change in chemicals management and circular economy, as well as expertise in capacity building and policy work.
In addition, the h_da/itp team will provide the scientific and methodological framework for the innovative training programmes. It will contribute a specific methodology proven to foster engagement and effective working methods with heterogeneous industry partners. As project manager, the h_da/itp team will ensure that the project achieves all its objectives and that the results are actively disseminated, including through a knowledge platform for textile clothing and other sectors (e.g. flooring, leather).