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The German Environment Agency (UBA) is the national authority responsible for developing and implementing environmental policies in Germany. Its IV2.3 section specializes in REACH and CLP regulations, focusing on the identification and regulation of substances of concern, stakeholder support, and regulatory development. UBA brings extensive experience in Circular Economy, the Waste Framework Directive, and the Ecodesign Directive, aligning with the goals of the European Green Deal.

For the ECHT project, UBA contributes its expertise as a competent authority to feed project findings into policy development and implementation. UBA leads the development of the policy action plan and participates in the creation of a traceability strategy. Leveraging its robust network of policy actors, UBA fosters collaboration among stakeholders, promotes joint policy initiatives at national and NWE levels, and organizes events to facilitate knowledge exchange. Additionally, UBA contributes to training schemes, capacity building, and awareness-raising activities for chemical traceability in value chains, ensuring the dissemination of project results through its established channels and the integration of the Knowledge Platform into its support services.

UBA already hosted a policy workshop, playing a key role in bringing stakeholders together to advance traceability efforts.