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Circular Economy: Policy Making for Traceability of Chemicals along Value Chains – Presentations now available

In the EU Interreg project ECHT, actors along the textile value chain are convinced that the traceability of chemicals in their products is an essential prerequisite for meeting the objectives of the Sustainable Textiles Strategy.

As part of the project, roadmaps for the implementation of chemicals traceability in the industry are developed – complemented by a policy action plan.

For this reason, together with the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences organized a one-day workshop dedicated to this topic. Based on project results and expert contributions from the textile value chains and NGOs, the event aimed to promote an active exchange with relevant stakeholders from industry and policy-makers on the following main themes: 

  1. Defining essential information for effective chemicals traceability

  2. Legislative harmonization and policy gaps at the EU level 

  3. Support mechanisms and value chain engagement

  4. Global cooperation and international standards

A comprehensive report on the results will follow shortly.

The presentations of the speakers are now available on the webpage dedicated to the event.